All-in-One Dotted Journal Notebook

Use Examples

About My Experience of Using BuJo

Why this All-in-One Dotted Journal Notebook

Overall on Using this Notebook

The journal notebook is to serve YOU. Thus, own it as yours. Use it any way you like. Keep in mind: 

Download a complete example booklet that includes my uses of the templates (updated 2023.12.23. M1V1P2).

Book Index

For quick reference later.

Future Log

The shaded areas are for decoration and writing down the months. You can write down items in various fashions such as one big column or 3 columns, or even more. 

Focus on what you want to have a glance view for the year. This is for high-level and long-term planning. It provides a space to write down some ideas you plan to do in the future so that you can reference back later. 

Monthly Goals

You can plan your life in more facets than just work and personal. The template allows up to 13 facets. If you have some empty facets left, decorate or draw in them.

Month at a Glance

Like a regular calendar, you can use this for anything you want to have a quick glance for that month. For me, I use it for:

Monthly Trackers

Tracking can be effective in forming habits and routines or building accountability and awareness. Track only what you need or want to track. Each month may be different. It is okay if you miss a day or two or a few. The vertical lines are to help you group related items together. I have done the following trackers:

Daily Quotes

Write two lines per day. This template can be used for:

Daily Log

This is my most used template to keep me grounded daily. 

The Left side:

The Right side:

Blank Pages

Most dotted journals have this page only. Here you can be creative and do whatever you like to do with the blank pages.

Connect Multiple Books or Pages

If a project spans multiple months (so far each book is for one month due to printing constraints), and you want to connect early notes to the page in this current notebook, you can put a special link in the footer. 

For example, I started this Children's book series idea in November 2023 on page 75. If I continue this project on December's page 81, then the page footer looks like this: 81 - 202311P75. If I designate P92 in January 2024's book to this project, then the following will appear in the footer of page 92:

92 - 202311P75 - 202312P81

You can use the same idea to connect two pages within one book: add the page # to the footer of another page if they cover the same topic.

Colored Pens, Stickers, and Washi Tapes

Have fun if you want to. I use colored pens to note various statuses of a task (to continue, to wait for something else, completed, etc.), or to note observations on tracking results. I paste cute stickers for an artistic touch here and there. Washi tapes can brighten up a page easily. I love to use anything that can make up for my lack of creativity in decorating my notebook or making me feel good.